Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Or for me it was better understood KR-ink. Ever seen that drippy graffiti ink? ...Who hasn't- It's so well known, and seen without you thinking about it. A tagged light pole, bench, bus stop, building, neighborhood, train.. Vandals everywhere! Anyway, I came across a visionary street artist, Craig Costello [who goes by KR], that essentially created a new media of ink. His 'Krink' is spotted in a grip of different cities and states, and has collaborated with many big names. So next time you see some drippy scribble in that grungy public restroom, or in a crazy bomb mural, you'll know who to thank.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

And, go.

It's been quite a time span since I've kept up with a blog. Livejournal, no more.